to move and edit some code
directory to be saved : line_drive/
(I think it wasn't run by rosrun or roslaunch or sth. just located in "line_drive" directory with "kmu_track.mkv" and "steer_arrow.png" files )
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import rospy
import numpy as np
import cv2, random, math, time
Width = 640
Height = 480
Offset = 340
scan_width_200 = 200
scan_height_20 = 20
lmid = scan_width_200
rmid = Width - scan_width_200
area_width_10 = 10
area_height_10 = 10
row_begin_5 = (scan_height_20 - area_height_10) //2
row_end_15 = row_begin_5 + area_height_10
pixel_threshold = 0.05 * area_width_10 * area_height_10 # 5% threshold
steer_angle_max = 20.0
lpos = -1
rpos = -1
# draw rectangle
def draw_rectangle(img, lpos, rpos, offset=0):
center = (lpos + rpos) / 2
if lpos == -1:
cv2.rectangle(img, (lpos - area_width_10//2 , offset + (scan_height_20-area_height_10)//2),
(lpos + area_width_10//2 , offset + (scan_height_20-area_height_10)//2 + area_height_10 ),
(0, 255, 0), 2)
#draw green rectangle on a left side line
if rpos == -1:
cv2.rectangle(img, (rpos - area_width_10//2, offset + (scan_height_20-area_height_10)//2),
(rpos + area_width_10//2, offset + (scan_height_20-area_height_10)//2 + area_height_10),
(0, 255, 0), 2)
#draw green rectangle on a right side line
cv2.rectangle(img, (center - area_width_10//2, offset + (scan_height_20-area_height_10)//2),
(center + area_width_10//2, offset + (scan_height_20-area_height_10)//2 + area_height_10),
(0,255,0), 2)
#draw green rectangle on a middle of the lines
cv2.rectangle(img, (Width//2 - area_width_10//2, offset + (scan_height_20-area_height_10)//2),
(Width//2 + area_width_10//2, offset + (scan_height_20-area_height_10)//2 + area_height_10),
(0,0,255), 2)
#draw red rectangle on a middle of the camera frame
return img
# You are to find "left and light position" of road lanes
def process_image(frame):
global Offset
global lpos, rpos
#lpos, rpos : allocate previous value when the line isn't detected
roi = frame[Offset:Offset+scan_height_20, :]
#make roi frame
gray = cv2.cvtColor(roi, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
#gray filtering - filter the roi frame into gray image
kernel_size = 5
blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray, (kernel_size, kernel_size), 0)
#blur filtering - filter the gray image into blurred image
low_threshold = 60
high_threshold = 70
edge_img = cv2.Canny(np.uint8(blur) , low_threshold, high_threshold)
#canny filtering - filter the blurred image into canny edge image
#line search algorithm
frame = draw_rectangle(frame, lpos, rpos, offset=Offset)
#draw 4 rectangles
return (lpos, rpos), frame
#line search algorithm
def line_search(edge_img):
global lpos
global rpos
if lpos == -1:
for l in range((area_width_10//2), lmid - (area_width_10//2)):
area = edge_img[row_begin_5:row_end_15 , l-(area_width_10//2):l+(area_width_10//2)]
if cv2.countNonZero(area) > pixel_threshold:
lpos = l
#left line initialization
if rpos == -1:
for r in range(Width - (area_width_10//2), rmid + (area_width_10//2) , -1):
area = edge_img[row_begin_5:row_end_15 , r-(area_width_10//2):r+(area_width_10//2)]
if cv2.countNonZero(area) > pixel_threshold:
rpos = r
#right line initialization
if lpos < 5:
lpos = 5
if rpos > Width - 5:
rpos = Width - 5
#lpos, rpos adjustment , when it's gone out of camera frame (for avoiding detecting middle line)
l = lpos
l_step = 1
search_limit = Width//7
while( l_step < search_limit):
area = edge_img[row_begin_5:row_end_15 , l-(area_width_10//2):l+(area_width_10//2)]
if cv2.countNonZero(area) > pixel_threshold:
lpos = l
l = l + ((-1)**(l_step+1)) *l_step
l_step = l_step + 1
#left line searching - search from the last location of left line
r = rpos
r_step = 1
search_limit = Width//7
while( r_step < search_limit):
area = edge_img[row_begin_5:row_end_15 , r-(area_width_10//2):r+(area_width_10//2)]
if cv2.countNonZero(area) > pixel_threshold:
rpos = r
r = r + ((-1)**(r_step+1)) *r_step
r_step = r_step + 1
#right line searching - search from the last location of right line
def draw_steer(image, steer_angle):
global Width, Height, arrow_pic
arrow_pic = cv2.imread('steer_arrow.png', cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
origin_Height = arrow_pic.shape[0]
origin_Width = arrow_pic.shape[1]
steer_wheel_center = origin_Height * 0.74
arrow_Height = Height/2
arrow_Width = (arrow_Height * 462)/728
matrix = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((origin_Width/2, steer_wheel_center), (steer_angle) * 1.5, 0.7)
arrow_pic = cv2.warpAffine(arrow_pic, matrix, (origin_Width+60, origin_Height))
arrow_pic = cv2.resize(arrow_pic, dsize=(arrow_Width, arrow_Height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)
gray_arrow = cv2.cvtColor(arrow_pic, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
_, mask = cv2.threshold(gray_arrow, 1, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV)
arrow_roi = image[arrow_Height: Height, (Width/2 - arrow_Width/2) : (Width/2 + arrow_Width/2)]
arrow_roi = cv2.add(arrow_pic, arrow_roi, mask=mask)
res = cv2.add(arrow_roi, arrow_pic)
image[(Height - arrow_Height): Height, (Width/2 - arrow_Width/2): (Width/2 + arrow_Width/2)] = res
cv2.imshow('steer', image)
# You are to publish "steer_anlge" following load lanes
if __name__ == '__main__':
cap = cv2.VideoCapture('kmu_track.mkv')
while not rospy.is_shutdown():
ret, image =
pos, frame = process_image(image)
shift = float(Width//2 - (pos[0]+pos[1])/2 ) #shift = distance from the absolute middle of the frame to the middle of left and right lines
shift_max = Width//10
if shift >=0.0:
steer_angle = ( (steer_angle_max)/((shift_max)**2) ) * (shift**2)
else :
steer_angle = - ( (steer_angle_max)/((shift_max)**2) ) * (shift**2)
if steer_angle>steer_angle_max:
if steer_angle<-steer_angle_max:
draw_steer(frame, steer_angle)
if cv2.waitKey(3) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
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